Author Archives: Roman

When All Else Fails the Bench Press Is Always a Reliable Exercise

The bench press is an exercise in which the lifter lies on his/her back on a weight bench, lowering the bar directly above the chest. It is intended for the development of the chest, or pectoral muscles , frontal shoulders, serratus, but a variation exists for the triceps. In weight lifting , however, where the focus is to achieve a single very heavy repetition, the force for a bench exercise is exerted by both the pectoral and tricep muscles. The world record for the heaviest benchraising at […]

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The Ultimate Beginner Weightlifting Routine

Looking for the ultimate beginner fitness routine? Don’t just randomly do exercises. In order to see the best results, get a structured routine. Most newcomers to weightlifting decline into one of two traps. Some participate in the gymnasium with no schedule for the day except “getting a great burn.” As an outcome of this, a novice will bench, curl and use the entire set of haphazard machines at the gym until they go tired and look as though they got a better exercise because of the all […]

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The Truth About Achieving a Ripped Rock Solid Chest

Everyone wants a huge chest, plain and simple. It is all too common to see inexperienced lifters slaving away on endless sets of bench presses and cable crossovers in search of full, thick pecs. The reality is that there is nothing complicated about building an impressive chest. The bottom line for huge chest gains is consistency, effort and steady progression in weight and repetitions. The chest is made up of two main heads, the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. To stimulate the chest using weights you […]

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The 3 Core Muscle Building Exercises You Should Be Doing

When it comes to building muscle I like to keep things simple. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of hot new products and exercises that promise to be the next best thing in muscle building. Theses fancy exercises and products use long “scientific like” words and explanations to show you they work to build the most muscle. In this article I am going to get back to basics. I am going to show your three muscle building exercises you can’t afford not to do […]

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Technique in Weight Training

Technique in weight training is very important for achieving the expected progress, but also for protecting the body of the sportsman. The first important thing is to learn correctly the basic movements. In this type of training there is a kind of classic set of exercises, which the sportsman needs to master from the beginning. This set includes exercises with free weights (dumbbells and barbells). While training with these, the movement is not imposed by any machine. When executed without the supervision of a fitness instructor, it […]

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Stretch for Fitness Success

When you think of developing a strong, muscular physique what type of exercises do you think of doing? To improve and develop strength most individuals focus on lifting weights, exercises such as bench press, push ups and flies, that focus on powerful pushing and pulling movements. Cardiovascular activity usually takes the passenger seat, when it comes to developing strength – unless you’re involved in a sport that requires a lot of endurance training, or if you want to loose excess body fat on top of improving your […]

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Big Strong Chest Muscles Command Respect and Confidence

So you want to build big and powerful chest muscles? Huge big pectoral muscles (pecs) or chest muscles that command respect and adoration? You can be the proud owner of a big and powerful chest. Many people actually think that there are 2 separate chest muscles, well there aren’t. The chest muscle or pecs that you see on each side of your chest is a fan shaped one continuous muscle although they may be called by different names such as pectoralis major, minor and clavicle head to […]

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Benches Are the Central Part of Any Good Weight Training Program

Weight benches are a central part of any weight training program. Not only are many weight training benches of the sturdiest and highest quality available, but they’re offered at the most competitive prices online too. The utility bench is unequaled in design and craftsmanship. The seat pads adjust independently to achieve precise angles and the bench accepts a wide variety of attachments for individual customizing for the many different exercises you can perform and to accomadate the varying sizes of people. This is one of the best […]

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Use Supersets to Build Big Muscles

If you have been lifting weights for sometime or have been reading bodybuilding magazines and journals, you would have probably heard of super setting. However, how often have you seen people super setting when weight lifting? If you did, did you notice those guys who were super setting were almost invariably the bigger boys. If you want to be big, then why didn’t you superset like them since you have seen that super setting can help you build big muscles? What is weight lifting superset? A superset […]

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Build Chest Muscles in 4 Simple Steps

Build chest muscles as part of your bodybuilding program, and you will be taking an important step towards both looking and becoming stronger. Chest muscles are such a vital factor for a bodybuilder, in creating the right posture, so here we show you how to build chest muscles for yourself. Step 1 You don’t necessarily have to do a lot of incredibly complicated exercises to build chest muscles, they can even be built using press ups. Although their effect will be barely noticeable if you are already […]

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